Books and Workbooks

Crime Scene Investigation Reference Book

Sci High

A wide-ranging and authentic reference book on forensic science designed for school, college and introductory degree-level forensic science studies, written by Simon Shawcross of Sci-High. Presented mainly in tabular and key information formats for ready accessibility, it has direct relevance to Forensic Evidence, Collection and Analysis and Forensic Investigation Procedures in Practice topics in UK Level 3 BTEC courses and to the content of many other programmes. It is directly relevant to student assignments.

Based around a crime scenario, professional scene procedure is considered in much detail including crime scene personnel, equipment, risk assessment, health and safety, protocols, recovery techniques, contamination avoidance, note-taking, record keeping, photography, videography, packaging, storage and transport of evidence, and the chain of continuity.

A wide range of modern laboratory-based evidence analysis is covered comprehensively at introductory level including fingerprints, blood patterns, DNA, footwear marks, digital media (mobile phones, computers, CCTV), fibres, hairs, drugs, toxicology, documents, firearms, entomology and the use of instrumentation. Examples of laboratory case-notes are provided. The professional responsibilities of forensic scientists are described along with principles of evidence interpretation, the use of databases and court case file preparation. An example of a forensic written statement is included.

A sixth form teacher who reviewed the book said: ‘Fantastic reference book. It is an excellent resource for students and teachers of BTEC Level 3 Forensic Science and Investigation Courses. The information is easy to access and the content has clearly been mapped against current teaching specifications and assessment criteria. This is very helpful for non specialist teachers and will enable the students to produce coherent and detailed work’.

The book is available as a 133-page paperback and an eBook. The paperback book can be purchased  directly from Sci-High for a price of £17.50. If you wish to purchase multiple books for the use of students, we offer a discount of 15% if between 5 and 10 books are purchased directly from us and a discount of 25% if 10 books or more are purchased.

For more information and to purchase the book directly from us, please contact us using the form below.

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    The reference book is paired with a Crime Scene Investigation Workbook for Students as described below.

    Student Workbook

    Sci High

    The 120-page student workbook is designed for the use of school and college students age 14 to 18 undertaking introductory forensic science programmes. It has direct relevance to Forensic Evidence, Collection and Analysis and Forensic Investigation Procedures in Practice topics in UK BTEC programmes and will be relevant to other formal and informal courses of study also.

    Based a round a case scenario of a burglary, the workbook structure demonstrates to students the detailed subject areas requiring study and research. It is not a text book. It contains many tables, exercises and answer-selection questions for students to complete as a means of assisting the development of comprehensive and authentic forensic science assignments. Crime scene examination is covered in depth, together with a wide range of evidence analysis topics.

    Comparison exercises for fingerprints, blood patterns, DNA profiles, shoe marks, fibres and hairs are included.  Evidence interpretation is considered along with the professional responsibilities of forensic scientists. A framework for a forensic written statement is provided.

    The workbook can also be purchased directly from Sci-High as a bound A4 book or it can be delivered as a PDF file by email. Please just contact us on

    Please note that when we visit a school or college for an event supporting BTEC or other curricular forensic science programmes, the Crime Scene Investigation reference book is included in the price.


    How to be a Forensic Scientist

    Sci High

    This is an Activity Book written by Simon Shawcross of Sci-High  for children aged 8 to 12 providing a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the exciting world of modern forensic science. Designed to fire enthusiasm amongst young people for science and forensics, girls and boys can use the book to find out what the vital jobs of crime scene investigators and laboratory-based forensic scientists are like.

    Adult family members and teachers can use the book to work alongside children to help them learn about crime scene work and evidence arising from fingerprints, DNA, footwear marks, computer forensics, blood, hairs, fibres, paint, glass, and documents. All the latest developments are here.

    Packed with full-colour images, the easy-to-use Royal Octavo-size book has 68 pages and more than 60 original and clearly laid out questions, exercises and activities that are ideal for personal study or as a basis for school science days and group-work projects.

    Using maths in forensics, writing reports and presenting evidence in courts of law are covered also. Advice is provided about the further steps that young people can take to develop their knowledge and skills and gain the necessary qualifications to pursue an ambition to be a forensic scientist.

    A primary school teacher who reviewed the book said ‘This book is a great resource for any primary classroom teacher who is looking for a creative way to teach science in context. The book can be worked through or dipped into at various points, and has questions, scenarios and explanations from everything from examining a crime scene, looking for fingerprints, maths in forensic science and interpreting evidence as well and many other things. Really great for a half termly project and can be applied across the curriculum, and ideas can be adapted in lots of different ways. Great to get kids engaged in forensic science!’

    For sales enquiries please email



    Free Introductory Workbook

    We provide a free introductory forensic science workbook for secondary school students. For more information please click here.


    Criminal Justice System

    Sci High We provide a 30-page student workbook on the Criminal Justice System in England and Wales. It has worksheets and exercises for completion on CJS Agencies; Interactions between CJS Agencies and Forensic Science; Professional Ethics; The Expert Witness; The Forensic Science Statement; Types of Crime; Interpretation of Evidence; Courts in this Country; Roles and Responsibilities in Court; The Trial Process; The Investigation of Crime; Quality and Significance of Evidence; Interview Techniques for victim, witness and suspect; Sentencing; Crime Prevention; Treatment.

    There is a separate teacher workbook for reference.

    For more information, please just contact us on